When I hear the word history I think of  old stuff that’s happened in the past or of the show “Drunk History” (which I highly recommend watching). But when fronted with the question “what is history and how do you do history” you have to think a little deeper.

At the beginning of the term, we were asked that exact question and told to write down our answer. Then at the end of the semester, we were asked to do so again for our last reading log. I don’t think my answers differed too much but I had a more academic understanding when thinking of it the second time.

At the start of the term my answer to the question “what is history and how do you do it?” was “History is anything that has happened in the past. Anything at all and the effect it has had on people or places. You do history by existing and making decisions and following through with them whether it be as an individual or a group.” While this still seems mostly true, my reading log was a different response by the end of the term.

(Reading Log #1- September 10, 2016)

(Reading Log #10)