This weeks readings both talked about something called charivaris. Charivaris are defined by the dictionary as a discordant mock serenade to newlyweds, made with pans, kettles,etc. To me, this sounds somewhat like a bachelor party and I am very curious as to if this is where they could have originated from. Both pieces of literature talk about how they would basically harass the man getting married and how they sometimes, would show up with a coffin. This is similar to the idea behind a stag; that it’s the last big sendoff  before someones gets hitched and it has been noted as a death penalty to some because the idea of being bound to one person forever is a big commitment and death like (apparently). It also goes into detail about how rowdy a few got and  people were killed. This is also similar to a stag… Sometimes things get to rowdy and the party goes sideways. Its really an odd concept when it boils down. 

BUT THEN, once we discussed chivaries in class, I realized it also sounded similar to the KKK. People his their faces and the acts of chivaries were often done to men who were marrying “out of the norm” whether it be an older man with a younger woman or a man of color with a white woman. It seems like an incredibly strange tradition.

(Reading Log #8- November 8, 2016)